eat right, Goals ~ Raising my standards., Mind - body - soul.

Taking back my life – wk 3 review:

Nothing beats working out with my wife!
Nothing beats working out with my wife!

This last week, man, I just can’t even begin to express this last week. Legit, I have felt better than I could have imagined the last few weeks. Told my wife I was closer to well that I have been since getting sick that original cold that took me out a year ago. Now, I have some sad news. Let’s review the week:

  • Monday – 30D ARMS; easy run
  • Tuesday – 30D ARMS; 15 minutes of hard core Total Gym
  • Wednesday – 30D ARMS
  • Thursday – 30D ARMS; running splits – 30 minutes
  • Friday – Rest arms; 5K run at Laf park
  • Saturday – 30D ARMS; 5K run with my wife
  • Sunday – 30D ARMS

You may notice that on Tuesday my workout was NOT Zumba, no I was just feeling awful and so exhausted that I made the choice to do what I could on the Total Gym as long as I could. However, looking back that wasn’t the smart move. I should have just relaxed because I wound up having to anyway  the next day. This week also brought a new problem to light, one I have been feeling creep up through the weeks. My toe pain is not from shoes or running – it is directly connected to my hip pain and it is incredible! I think it’s called sciatica and there are a thousand reasons it can happen. I am thinking, hoping and praying mine is simple muscle not back or injury. The biggest thing is resting it, so no Zumba or running or any other impact type workouts. Walking, lots of it…

Food was not good, but not bad. I am still sweets free, no trash or candy or cookies. Though, my calories were higher this week than planned. I lost 1.6 for a total loss of 5.2 – thank God!

eat right, Goals ~ Raising my standards., Mind - body - soul.

Taking back my life – wk 1 review:

To say the least last week was a great week. I was blessed with God given drive and energy and motivation. I worked out Monday through Saturday, I was flexible when workouts needed to change. I made sure I got my minimum in and I didn’t let anything get in my way. I also stuck to my 30 Day ARM Challenge despite pulling something in my shoulder! This was my workout schedule:

  • Monday – 30D ARMS; 330m run – 14 cards – 330m run – 10 cards (repeat that rep 4 times) – 330m run
  • Tuesday – 30D ARMS; Zumba
  • Wednesday – 30D ARMS; whole deck workout – 20 minute stretching
  • Thursday – 30D ARMS; Zumba
  • Friday – 30D ARMS; 35 minutes jogging and keeping my HR in zone
  • Saturday – Rest arms; whole deck workout – grocery shopping for 2 hours
  • Sunday – 30D ARMS; no official workout

I kept my food at or under my 1,200 net calorie goal (no starving myself or eating sugary snacks happened!) I only forgot my vitamins on Sunday, which is kind of typical because with my schedule so drastically different on Sunday things usually get a little whack! lol

Finally, I lost two pounds. This is my first real earned and fought for loss in a long time and I feel really happy about it. I feel like any loss is a great thing, but two pounds was so lovely to see. I am looking forward to continuing. I finally fixed a glitch in my YT account that made vlogging from my phone impossible. So, food vlogs are now going to happen! Any longer talking videos will still be on the laptop as long as she is still working, however!

Fun, fun, fun!, Goals ~ Raising my standards., Mind - body - soul., Out and about!

Hello, me!

stuff (2)Last week I wrote a post about how I kind of lost myself. It’s true. My life has been in a state of wild, wild, WILD evolution. Maybe, I think that lost is the wrong word. Perhaps I want to convey that I don’t recognize who I see when I look at me sometimes. Like, like a butterfly who finally emerges and is just in shock over the fact that now flight is possible. REAL FLIGHT! You take off, but it’s scary and unnatural and unbelievable. That is where I am at. lol It’s awesome, but wickedly unreal!

Let’s take a look-see:

  • 2009 – became sick for the first time with Fibromyalgia and erythema nodosum.
  • 2010 – migraines joined the fun as I started to be able to move and I began my journey to “health” and losing weight.
  • 2011 (spring) – I married my best friend and partner of six years.
  • 2011 (fall) – we became a homeschooling family.
  • 2012 – we found our church.
  • 2013 – I set about giving my life to God in the realest way I could. Truly evaluating all aspects, art and writing and family.
  • 2014 – I began writing again and and painting, in line with my new fully committed life of Jesus.

It’s not over, but it is kind of accumulating to a point where I need to stop. Take all the new info into account and recalibrate. That moment was one I was trying to force for a few months, but wound up happening organically this weekend. As it all lined up it was as if i was suddenly able to merge the me I carved out of myself in 2011 and the me I am now! There have been times when I felt it all line up, ready itself for the next phase. In my life, in my children, in my church, in my art. I felt that this weekend, and I capitalized it with a run at the local duck park! (Thanks to my wife who motivated me gently, but sternly!)

P.S. I am starting this challenge today. Anyone who wants to join, please do!photo

Fun, fun, fun!, Goals ~ Raising my standards., Make me skinny!, Mind - body - soul.

New plan:

My wife has been AWESOME and working out with me. I am going to try to get this to happen SIX days a week. This is what I am thinking:

Monday – Total Gym workout (15-30 minutes)
Tuesday – Walk/Jog (30-60 minutes)
Wednesday – Total Gym workout (15-30 minutes)
Thursday – Walk/Jog (30-60 minutes)
Friday – Total Gym workout (15 minutes) Walk/Jog (30 minutes)
Saturday – Walk/Jog (60-90 minutes)

Of course all this depends on her schedule, but I have a great, blessed feeling!

eat right, I'm sick., Make me skinny!

Last week I killed the workouts!!!

If you are linked up to my Facebook then you know that I was “sick” last week, and that I made myself workout anyway! Yep, see I had made the decision to go to every Zumba class available during the week. Then I came down with a cold.

This was my week last week.
This was my week last week.

I took a load of cold medicine, but the big difference was LOTS of prayer, water, clean eating and exercise!!! I sweat that stuff out so hard and so much that by the time I got to where I ran out of medicine I decided just to go with it. It worked. I was still a bit runny and sneeze-y, but well feeling!

Of course being under the weather made me not so want to deal with a girlie bathing suit for Aqua Zumba, so I opted for my wife’s swim trunks. They are too big, but with a draw string it all works out! I was proud of my butch-ness, of course that was short lived. lol

Fun, fun, fun!, Make me skinny!, Mind - body - soul.

Ten minutes at a time.

I don’t have time to work out. I can’t with the kids. I am too tired. I don’t have the money to join a gym. I can’t run. I don’t like classes.

There are MANY more I have heard. So many people will message me with pleas for help with getting in shape or losing weight and as soon as I talk about activity they shut down. The thing is that being active is so much more than losing weight. It’s feeling better, it’s discovering your limits and the pushing them, it’s learning about your body in new and really exciting ways. Movement translates to energy, happiness, confidence. It transcends weight loss, it honestly does. Also, you can do it in as little as 30 minutes 3 times a week. Of course the more you do – the faster and better all of those results will happen. The next thing is this, those 30 minutes do not have to happen at the same time. Now, for heart health you want cardio (even light walking) that last 30-60 minutes, but as far as energy and toning and feeling better and burning calories – well, there is no all-at-once rule. In fact, you burn the most calories per minute in the beginning when your body is revving up – not once it hits tempo. So often a quick (yet as hardcore as you can do it) ten minute work out three or more times a day can actually be very effective!

Personally for my quick workouts I love to hoop with a weighted hoop and I have read that hooping burns 7-10 calories a minute so 3 ten minute sessions a day could equal 210-300 calories burned. Over time I have gotten to a place where I can do squats and crunches and other things while I hoop so I get a real workout and IT’S FUN!!! I also love Zumba and there are certain routines I adore and have put to songs I love and will drop and do a Zumba song or three through out my day!

Here is another idea:155655730840802552_vWppIzWh_c

Start with one song (generally 3-4 minutes) and build up to doing three songs at a time! Easy and you could fit that anywhere in your day!

, Fashion, Mind - body - soul., Running!, Shoe-gasm

Whoa, there…

Since I started running races I have gotten so much better at planning for them. Now don’t go getting it twisted I’ve only only done six, but I think with each one I was better prepared to the point that the last one was a real game changer! With the Jazz Half Marathon closing in I thought I might put together a little runners guide for the extreme beginner from the slightly broken in beginner! lol

Look, a lot of these thing have to be thought about in advance. There is really no way to express that, but if you happen to leave them till the last minute when running a 5k you could get away with it – if you do it before a 10k or a half you are setting yourself up for pain and misery. Let’s get started, shall we?

  • Hydration. This is something most people think of as stopping at the water stands or grabbing a Gatorade after the race – NO! No, hydration starts days before physical activity. Yes it is important to re-up your electrolytes and to consume water during activity, but you need to be drinking water and lots of it everyday!!! I can run three miles easy down here in the southern heat without ever having my mouth feel dry or feeling thirsty and that is because I drink water constantly!!! Also, if you are going to use a electrolyte gel or beans on race day test them before hand, some people have sever tummy issues when using such products, the last thing you want is to catch a cramp or, worse, diarrhea.
  • I kind of hate that I felt I had to list water first because for me it is on the same level as having the right shoes!!! I swear by the Asics GEL line and am currently lusting hard core for the Asics GEL Nimbus 14s in black!!! For more on my start with fitness and running shoes you can check out a video I made way back in January 2011 here. I have had great success with Asics and so have the people I recommended them to.
  • Clothing. I used to think that having specific cloths to run in was stupid, but it’s so not. Running clothes are made to keep you cool and breathing in all weather types. Invest – you will be glad you did. Just like with shoes and socks and all the other pricy things you “need” to run I recommend catching sales and trying things out, once you find what is right for you you can start spending the real money slowly and building a great supply.
  • Music is a must, be sure to have your playlist set and your means of carrying your music all worked out. I listen to my phone and have tried all sorts of armbands, I now just tuck it into my runner’s pack.